Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Frisco 'n' Charlie

So in case you read this week's column and wanna know what Frisco and Charlie look like, here they are.

Frisco's on the left. If you look closely, you can see the burning hate in his eyes. Pretty cool.


Jaelithe said...

So, I just realized that you have a blog now.* Or, again.


*I'm a little slow.

Unknown said...

Frisco's not SO fat.

Bob said...

I need to figure out how to post pics. Our cat Lily is an even BIGGER doorstop that Frisco. In fact, next to Lily, Frisco is skinny.

Lily is SOOOOO big......
(How big is she?)..........
Goodyear wanted to hire her as their next blimp.

kbl said...

Nice photo. But I'm pretty sure I can take both you and "commenter" Bob on in the fattest cat arena. Flip, my six year old tabby is waay fatter than Frisco.....think 20# sack of cement. Literally. And with a name like Lily....pfft!

Winner. Me.